- Sport Director Mr. Nitin Gangurde received Ph.D from Dr. B. A. M. U. Aurangabad on the subject, Study of sports activities in ancient universities Nalanda and Takshasheel.
- Mr. Vishal Barve’s book on Business Statistics for F.Y.B.B.A (C.A) Sem-I) new syllabus is published by Thakur publication.
- Dr. Nitin Gangurde appointed as a team manager for divisional level basketball tournament by Savitribai Phule Pune University.

- Keyur Waghmare participated in Youth Festival organized by students welfare board, S.P.P.U. held at K.T.H.M. college on 11th Oct, 2019 and received 3rd rank in instrumental solo (Tabla)
- Abhishek Srivastav (T.Y.B.Com) participated, Rising Youth Icon of the year 2019-20 organized by Ashoka Universal Business School and qualified for 4th stage.
- Sr. College students participated in one act play competition held at B.Y.K College on 4th Jan, 2020. They performed the play परिवर्तनाच्या दिषेने – एक सकारात्मक पाउल
- 2 students participated in Kavya Vachan Spardha held at Nashik Road College on 4th Jan, 2020.
- Abhishek Srivastav from T.Y.B.Com Received 3rd Rank in Rising Youth of India contest organized by Ashoka Business School, Nashik.
Sports Achievements
- Shubham Sharma, F.Y.B.Com won Gold medal at international level in mixed martial art tournaments held at West Bengal.
- Bisht Vishal J., F.Y.B.Com 1st Place in the 18th Delhi International Open Grandmasters chess tournaments held at New Delhi During 9th to 17th Jan, 2020.
- Preeti Prajapati (S.Y.B.Com) was selected for Zonal Level Cricket team (women). She also selected for inter group event held at Abeda College, Pune on 8th to 11th Dec, 2019.